Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back 2 School Tags and Labels Printable AND Tips for Starting School

I Love It All shares this printable with us! Perfect for lunchsacks, scrapbooking and anything else!
Your free back-to-school download looks like this:

The four circle labels are sized for your 2" circle punch. For my layout, I used my corner rounder on the rectangular tags...they are sized to 2.5" x 4.25" with plenty of room to journal. Or you could even add a small photo and use it as a refrigerator magnet for the grandparents!

This page of labels/journaling spots is listed in my Etsy shop for $3.00, but for my dear blog readers, I am offering them up for FREE. Just print them out on an 8.5 x 11 piece of cardstock and you're ready to craft! I've been printing them on white cardstock and they look crisp and clean, but I think if you print them on kraft or graph paper, they might even be cuter. Download them for yourself and tell me what type of paper you used.

Have fun and remember to love it all!

Thanks Monika at I Love It All! Visit this blog today!

I've also decide to include some tips and "things to do" before the kids start school.

The following 4 tips are from one of my blogless readers named Amy!!!

1. I always get the kids' eyes examined before school starts. Bonus points if I get them scheduled so that they can get used to new lenses before school starts.

2. I use the last week of vacation to gradually (half hour at a time) work the kids towards the school year wake up and go to bed times.

3. We always go out for ice cream to celebrate the first day of school, all the while crooning "learning is sweet!".

4. For a new scholar, I take them to the school a few days early, and look for bathrooms and the office. I introduce the child by name to the principal and the secretary, (and hopefully the teacher) and tell them that these are the adults in charge. I tell the child that these people have the right to tell them what to do, and that the child has the right to ask these adults for help or protection.

Some tips of my own:

1. Pick out the clothes, jewelry and hair accessories the kids are going to wear at least the night before school starts.

2. Take the kids to have their teeth cleaned at the dentist.

3. If you kids go by a nickname or a middle name, call the school/teacher and let them know the name your child goes by and how to spell it. That way, when school starts the name on the door, desk, coat rack, grade books, etc. won't have to be changed. It will save everyone the headache of changing things or misspelling the chosen name!!!!

4. Fix the kids their favorite breakfast the first day of school!

5. Establish routines beginning the first day of school.

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