Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can I Feature Every Post?

What is going on this week? There are 100 posts I could feature!!! Here are some unique and fun posts to check out!!!
Tracy Trinkets and Treasures spray painted some hardbound books. They look FABULOUS! Books with texture would look so cool being spray painted!

This is a great technique to know. The Other White House shows how to make leaves become just their skeleton! Think of the possibilities with 100's of leaf skeletons!!!

Ashley's Thrifty Living has such a fun way to frame pictures. She made this sunglass picture display for her sister!

I love acorns and these pom-pom acorn are so easy! Thanks Lets Go Fly A Kite.

Scene of the Grime has some rockstar pumpkins. They are metallic pumpkins!

I thought I had seen everything chalkboard UNTIL I saw these chalkboard rings at Greenbean Crafterole. How Cool!
Don't forget to check back to the Whatever Goes Wednesday party! There are still 100 projects yet to be linked and 100's that rock!

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  1. Ah, spray painting books! What a great way to color coordinate a room.

  2. Hey! Thanks for featuring my metallic pumpkins!!! You're the one who ROCKS!

  3. Thanks so much! Love linking up to see what others are doing as well!


  4. Thank you for featuring my glasses art! You made my day!

  5. All of those projects are amazing! I love the sunglass photo frame.

  6. omg!...thanks a bunch for the feature!...


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