Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Printable Church Book

My sweet kids don't always like to sit quietly for an hour at church! And my husband doesn't get to sit with us for a while:) I'm looking for quiet activities that are reverent for church. Naptime Crafter has come to my rescue.
This printable book will keep my kids quiet and thinking about Christ for at least a few minutes. It includes pictures, scriptures and songs on each page.
(This book is geared towards the LDS faith. There might be a few pictures you will want to change if you are not LDS.)

HERE is the E, F and G page.
HERE is the H, I and J page.

This is as far a Naptime Crafters has posted so far. You might want to consider becoming a follower so you can copy the rest of the pages when she posts them.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a great idea! Can't wait to see more ideas on keeping kids interested :)

  3. I saw this the other day and thought it was a great idea!

  4. This is great! Thank you for sharing! threepixielane.blogspot.com

  5. How neat is this?? Thank you for sharing! :)


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