Thursday, September 30, 2010

An Ulcer In My Eye!

I started wearing eyeglasses when I first started college so I could clearly see sports events, professors and the whiteboard. When I wore glasses, I thought wearing contacts would be heaven. I finally got my first pair of contacts when I was 27 years old. I liked them. I still do, but they definitely have their down side. Allergy season is awful. I can't wear contacts for 2 or 3 weeks because my eyes are so itchy and scratchy and uncomfortable (even with medication.) Waking up from a rare nap stinks. Camping isn't convenient. Getting up in the middle of the night for a few minutes to do something (or to see something) is unsafe and near impossible.
After getting an ulcer in my eye due to my contacts (read below), and being partially blind for a week, it made me rethink my "contacts are heaven" mentality. With contacts, I love that my kids can't grab them or mangle them. However, having a pair of prescription glasses only makes sense. On those occasions (and weeks) when contacts aren't possible, glasses are crucial for me. I need a pair to help me see when I am driving a car, sewing, cooking and reading.

My current pair of glasses are bent. crooked and somewhat broken. One lens has quite a few scratches on it. The wear and tear of mothering young children while wearing glasses took a toll on my last pair. I am on the lookout for a great deal.

AND I think I have found one. I was looking for
glasses online and came across a company that sells glasses inexpensively. GlassesUSA has very reasonably priced glasses. Additionally, because they are so nice to me, they will give my viewers 10% off their next purchase! Simply write the code mommy10 when prompted during your next purchase of prescription glasses. I'm thinking I can get a pair of prescription glasses with lenses for less than $50!!! What a steal!
Check out their facebook page HERE.

After the discount, these glasses will be about $35!

A couple of months ago, I woke up with one eye almost swollen shut. I turned on the light and my eye hurt. A LOT! I wore sunglasses inside the house. When I pried my eye open, it was red and so sensitive. I could barely see and it was just a blur of images. A migraine was coming on quickly! My contact had been a little "itchy" the day before. I knew this was related to contacts. By the end of the working day, when the swelling, redness and pain hadn't gone away and I was still blind, I called my eye doctor and made an appointment for the next day. After looking at my eye for less than a minute, he told me I had an ULCER in my eye! Say What? An ulcer! Who has ever heard of an ulcer in one's eye? After some strong (and very expensive antibiotics and steroids), I am happy to report that my vision is back to normal! All this is left is a little scar on my eye! Being almost blind is not fun! Thus, the need for a pair of glasses!
(I told my husband I should have taken a picture of my eye swollen shut so when I was mad at him, I could show the picture to people and tell them my husband beats me! What a nice wife I am! This photo is a few days after the swelling dissipated.)Not being able to see out of one eye was a little scary. (I got the ulcer the day before I got surgery on my knee! What luck!)

So wish me luck on trying to select a pair of glasses for occasion use. I'm so excited to have a back up plan to contacts! If I ever post pictures, you may see me sporting some new eye gear!
Too bad I won't look at stylish at Sarah Palin!

BTW, has anyone else had an ulcer in their eye before? I want to know that I am not the only one!!!!

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  1. omgosh that is so weird!
    thank God your ok and nothing else happend!!

  2. I had an ulcer in my eye my senior year of college. I woke up in so much pain that I had to called my mom and she drove 30 minutes to take me to urgent care only to have the doctor there tell us there was nothing he could do. The eye doctor gave me steroids and antibiotics and it cleared up after a few days. The last time I went to the eye doctor they said I still had a little bit of scarring but that it wasn't too bad.

  3. I had ulcers on my left eye when I was 18. I'm happy to report that I have not had another one in the seven years since then. I wear my contacts every day.

  4. Oh man I get ulcers in my eye all the time.. I actually have permanent scars on my eyes from them. I have 12 scars on my left eye.. it looks like little black dots sometimes in my vision- and I have been known to swat at imaginary bugs because I forget that what the little specks are. They are pretty scary- and so painful - I have never experienced anything like it!! And I hate those yucky yellow drops they give you to clear it up. I am glad to know its not just me!!!

  5. My husband and son have had those recently and I know they are very painful! I'm so sorry you had one and so glad to hear you are well now. Speaking of glasses, my 2 youngest kids (ages 11 and 8) just both got glasses for the first time last week - so cute!!! Hope your eyes (and you)stay healthy :)

  6. I woke up with the same thing about 2 1/2 months ago, after a day of excruciating pain (I feel you about the light, it kills) I went to the doctor and I had 15, yes 15, ulcers in my right eye. He put those numbing drops in my eye so he could really get a good look and I was BEGGING for more but he wouldn't give them to me. Luckily though, most of the pain was gone of a couple of days of antibiotics. (to top it off my baby was two weeks old and my two-year-old was, well...lets just say he was being REALLY two) ...then I got them again about two weeks later. I jumped on it quick though and so they went away pretty fast. ...then I got them a THIRD time! ugh, THE HORROR! now I have to wear my glasses for an extremely long time, which, like yours, are pretty mangled from my two-year-old terror. But I can't complain because I'd rather wear taped-together glasses than be blind.

    Best of luck to you. Its a horrible, horrible pain.

  7. I had an ulcer in my eye a few years ago. I can still imagine the pain my eye was in! Oh man it hurt!!! I had to wear sunglasses everywhere (even at work). I hadn't heard of anyone else getting them until now. I cannot wear my contacts at night since then because of it. My doctor said my eyes don't clean themselves right at night to wear them. Hope you get feeling better!

  8. Ew, yuck. :o( Sorry about the eye problems. Tha's why I hardly wear my contacts. If looking for cheap glasses, try

  9. That stinks! I'm sorry. Hope you feel better. Good luck with the search!

  10. Not quite an ulcer, but I just went to the doctor today and got my swollen eye diagnosed as a stye. No fun. I'm feelin' for you.

  11. I've had a few. All from my contacts. They suck big time!!! That's why I have my extra pair of glasses too.

  12. I'm sorry you had that happen! I have had to wear glasses all my life - and I did the contact thing for years but finally stopped because of the hassle.
    I'm glad you're doing better!!!

  13. I had one! I'm so glad to see all these responses from other people who also have had them- no one I know had even HEARD of it when I had mine. I ended up having to wear my glasses for about 8 months before the eye doc gave me the all clear to wear contacts again, it sucked:-( I was also told that having one makes me more susceptible to getting another in the future---I hope not!

  14. ohhh man! so glad things are better. Louie (the grand-dog) had one. I figure he either hurt it when he was a) chewing on the rose bush b)going after my cat.
    good luck girl! glad you got a deal on the spectacles!

  15. Oh, that's not fun. I'm not a full time glasses wearer, just for reading (which I had to wear early on in life because of the stupid lighting at a not so great job). No ulcers, but I have had headaches, that manifest in the eye. I thought I was going blind.

  16. I totally need to get a pair of glasses that are my current prescription! I think it's been 5-6 years...and I'm not legal to drive with what I've got! I hope you get to get your glasses soon! You'll have to show them off for sure!

  17. Oh boy, do I know all about ulcers on the eyes! I got them all the time when I was a teenager. Nobody else had heard of them at that point, either. It took years (!) for the eye doctors to diagnose what the problem was, and I went through a lot of misery as a result.

    I haven't had an ulcer on my eye since I found out that rubbing my eye is what brings mine on. (I'm not sure if that's for everyone, but that was the cause of mine.)

    Let us know what you think of your glasses. I need a new pair eventually, and I've been thinking about ordering a pair online like this. Since I wear them all the time (can't see without them), I'm a little nervous about not getting to try them on.

  18. Ouch! That looks like it hurt! I am glad you are feeling better!

  19. eeep!! Glad the swelling is down and you are getting better! Good luck with finding a new pair of glasses =) I have some for when I read -- I found them at Walmart for a very reasonable price and their cute! =)

  20. My sister got one last summer. She's permanently lost vision in her left eye - it's correctable only to 20/40 now, even with a hard contact reshaping her eye. In order to get back to 20/20, ever, she'll need a cornea transplant!

  21. I had an ulcerated cornea too! It started out just irritated for a couple of days and then I woke up in excruciating pain with incredible light sensitivity. I remember Googling eye pain with one hand clutched over the offending eye and tears streaming down my face. Of course I couldn't wear my contacts and I couldn't clutch my eye with my glasses on, so the search was done with my nose pressed to the screen (severely nearsighted). I went through similar eye drops and it resolved pretty quickly. The worst part was having to wear my glasses for that length of time. I can't really drive well with them, and I don't have prescription sunglasses.

  22. Not an ulcer, but a chicken pox (pock?). Yep, got chicken pox so bad it was in one eye. It made my eye incredibly watery and light-sensitive, it was extremely unpleasant. I then developed a cataract at the age of 22, and with every subsequent optometrist I visited, had to mention, "I do have a cataract too," be told I was way too young, then they'd look, holy cow, it's there! My current one mentioned that while cataracts are supposed to grow from the outside in, mine is growing from the center of the pupil outwards. Basically it's a marvel I don't yet have a hole in my vision. Only symptoms are bad night vision, and it's really hard to read street signs while driving. I try not to drive anywhere I've never been before by myself for the first time. Ditto for after dark driving, I don't except where I know the streets well. One night, I grabbed my husband's arm as he was driving, then let go when I realized that the "bicyclist" crossing the road in front of us would have crossed by the time we reached that point in the road. I didn't see a bicycle or person, but I "knew" he was there, I saw the headlights of an oncoming vehicle flicker as if something passed in front of them. But then I realized I should have seen him in OUR headlights, and there was nothing there. That's the only time I sometimes "see" the cataract, is at night when headlights flicker. I drive VERY carefully.

  23. Hit "post" too quickly - after being asked by every doctor who's seen it, whether I had a head injury or was in a car wreck or something, because at my age, that's the main cause of cataracts, I did finally remember the chicken pox in my eye. Turns out there's a good chance that was the catalyst.


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