Friday, October 1, 2010

Crafting With The Stars!!!

Attention ALL readers. Chances are if you read my blog, you are a "crafty" person. There is a new crafting contest starting soon at Sew Dang Cute called
"Crafting with the Stars."

Auditions are now open. Submit a project that shows everyone your best project into a linky party at the
Sew Dang Cute. You have until Friday, October 15th to enter. From the entries, 12 crafters will be chosen as the contestants and paired up with some Big-time "stars", to duke it out in a four-week competition to see who's the craftiest. Each week there will be eliminations, so be prepared to push your creativity to the limit if you want to win!

The following are the 12 "STARS" with whom the contestants may be paired!

1. Amy (
The Idea Room)
2. Amy (
Mod Podge Rocks)
3. Becca (
Blue Cricket Design)
4. Beckie (
Infarrantly Creative)
5. Char (
Crap I've Made)
6. Cheri (
It's So Very Cheri)
7. Heather (
Dollar Store Crafts)
8. Jen (
Tatertots & Jello)
9. Jill (
Homemade by Jill)
10. Lorie (
Be Different...Act Normal)
11. Michelle (
Someday Crafts)
12. Shelley (
How Does She?)

Did you just read that list? Did you see MY NAME as one of the stars? Holy cow! To think that I am considered a "crafting star" is.... beyond my wildest imagination! I'm honored and surprised. To be in that group with those amazing ladies is crazy!

You are probably wondering how this exactly works. Well, after the 12 contestants are chosen, they will be paired to work one-on-one with a "star" via email (or in person if you happen to live by each other.) Together, we will work on a project to craft our way to victory. The "star" will mostly give suggestions, ideas, encourage and help you come up with the best project possible. You will do the main part of creating. I am excited to see the projects that come out of this competition!

Head over to
Sew Dang Cute to read about the details and enter a project. I would love to work with one of you! Sounds like fun!

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  1. WHAT!! You know that I AM SO DOING THIS! I hope you get to me my star! Put in a good word for me!

    love your guts

  2. Oh this looks like so much fun! I am so excited (and so scared!!) to enter!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!