Saturday, October 9, 2010

Darling Minnie Outfit

Sugar Bee - Craft Edition

shares this darling Minnie Mouse outfit!

Minne Outfit:
Today's great - beware, cuteness overload:

You know how cheap - er, "frugal" - I am, so souvenir shirts aren't even an option. But we need something Disney, right? I made the girls SUPER cute Minnie Mouse outfits. I didn't take many tutorial pictures, because it's pretty basic. First I made the pants - I couldn't decide if it would be hot or cold, so I went mid-way with capris. I just used whatever pattern I had bought on sale for $1 at Joann's and used the red dot fabric.. Then I slightly gathered the black dot fabric and attached ruffles to the ends of the pants.
Then I got to thinking how I hope the girls even know who Minnie Mouse is (we're cable deprived so if it's not on PBS...) so I googled Minnie Mouse Images - - guess which one they zeroed in on??

That's right, the risque Minnie adult outfit, 2nd one in on the top row. Of course. I had thought about doing a shirt with a big appliqued head on it, but they saw that picture and vetoed the applique. They wanted a belt and shirt like that outfit. I wasn't sewing a shirt (are you with me - pants are so easy to whip up, but a shirt - intimidating!) but I thought we could do a belt.
So I made a belt by attaching two ruffles of black dot onto the sides of a strip of red dot, then sewed the strip all the way around the shirt to make a casing. To make it look more fitted, like a belt, I threaded elastic through the opening, just like you would when you make an elastic waistband in pants.

The elastic gave it a little gather and some body - I think it turned out cute.

Then they needed a bow, like Minnie. I covered headbands in black dot then made a big bow (like here, but 2 loops instead of 4) out of red dot and glued it on top. Hope it stays!
The whole Minnie Mouse Outfit is really cute! I wish I could have gotten a picture with both girls wearing theirs but one is at school and it's blog crunch time so I couldn't wait. Oh well - I'm sure we'll get plenty at Disneyworld.

So, maybe $6-8 on fabric and then 2 shirts at $3.50 each. Great deal - way better than a Disney Gift Shop. And cuter, if you ask me. Oh, and I grabbed myself the same shirt and did a little decal - I didn't want to be left out:

SO cute! Visit Sugar Bee

and say thanks today!

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