Friday, October 8, 2010

Disney Buttons and Ornament

shares with us this button and ornament idea today.

August is a big month in our house. Big Sister was born on Breadwinner's birthday- August 16th, and Little Sister came along 2 years and 3 days later- August 19th.
For the past two years we've celebrated at Disneyland.
I already shared our birthday Mickey Ears, but wanted to show share another fun tip.
Did you know Disney has free souvenir pins?

You've probably seen the Happy Birthday button type pins if you've been to the park in the last couple years, but did you know they have pins for every occasion? First trip, Happy Anniversary, Celebrating, Happy Ever After, you name it-they have it...and they are FREE at the information stations.
Last year we discovered these button pins make the perfect photo ornament to remember our special birthday trips each year. What a fun way to watch our girls grow around our Christmas tree!

Here's how:
Start with your pins (ours were for their birthdays, but of course any button will work!) and your favorite trip pictures.

Grab your circle cutter- mine happened to be Creative Memories.
The back of the Disney buttons is 3 inches- if you are using buttons from a trip somewhere else you might want to measure before cutting.

Cut your 3 inch circle

(yes, this is a different pic- Big Sister and Little Sister each needed an ornament)
Pop the bottom of the picture under the lip of your button

make sure the pin part is at the top of your picture

Use the pin to add your ribbon holder.
You can loop your ribbon through before or after you put your picture in place. Before is definitely easier, but when I made them last year I did it after.

As far as I'm concerned when it comes to ribbon, wider is better (the same does not apply to my thighs, though after having these girls that seems to be the case, ugh!)
I like to use a small bead of hot glue between the ribbon and the button back to keep the pretty bow (or knot) at the top from spinning.

I also use a small bead of hot glue to hold the bottom of the picture in place.
Because of the pin in the back your photo will bow a little. I didn't mind the gap at the top. In fact, the more I tried to push it down, the more the picture wrinkled, so I recommend leaving it this way. You can't even tell when the ornament is hanging.

I also like to cut another circle from a transparency sheet and slide it in on top of the photo to protect it. This step is pretty tough to photograph since the transparencies are, well....transparent! Run a bead of glue around the inside lip of the photo to hold it in place. You could add glitter to the bead for a little more sass.

We went with pink and black ribbon this year to emphasize the birthday hats.
Conveniently, the numbers on their hats remind us of the year, otherwise I would recommend writing it on the front of the ornament.

If we keep up the tradition of a Disneyland birthday trip, we may need a separate tree each year just for Disney ornaments!!
They made great gifts last year for family who went with us on the girls very first trip to Disney World, too! It helps when everyone in your party gets a button- more buttons=more ornaments!
I also made these little autograph books for the girls before we left.

I used the thin cardstock found inside a few fat quarters I purchased at Joann's a while back, covered them in fun, coordinating paper, stapled some printer paper cut to size and viola!

Oh- and how easy is it to make Mickey Ears with 2 different circle punches? Quick and easy peasy. We tied a few coordinating ribbons to the end of a pen for each of the girls to go with their books.

If you make your own Disney button ornaments be sure to leave a link in the comments on her blog. Thanks for looking!
Thanks Bathing Suit Body Mama!!!! Really fun ideas!

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  1. Great project! And I love the circle cutters...I have the same set!

  2. I love this idea! I always feel bad throwing those pins out, but this is a great way to make them useful!

  3. Just TODAY I was looking at my buttons from our trip one year ago, wondering what in the world I should do with them. Even though I am NOT a keeper, I could not bring myself to throw them away because our trip was sponsored by Make-a-Wish and was so very special. So, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting this. I'm so excited to make these.


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