Monday, October 4, 2010

Know Before You Go

These great tips are brought you from Yellow Black Bird.

If you are planning a trip to a Disney Park read on for my tips on preparing for the trip. This first tip would be great for a picnic with the kids too!

We had to drive 11 hours to get to Disneyland. I wanted to pack some healthy-ish snacks so that we would be less tempted to stop for junk food and waste money. I thought it would be much more fun to have Disney themed snacks!
I purchased Disney fruit snacks, Disney dried fruit, and Mickey Mouse cheese. I even sprung for the brand name fruit bars because they had Toy Story on the box!
(I didn't really like the dried fruit, but my husband did.)
I also brought bread and peanut butter to make sandwiches along the way (and you could even take them in to the park to save lunch money). I had the brilliant idea of making the sandwiches shaped like Mickey Mouse but my cookie cutter was too big for the bread. I had already gone to the grocery store and we were leaving the next day so I didn't buy different bread.
I didn't do this on purpose, but even the bread I bought was Disney with the Camp Rock 2 advertisement.

I also threw in some graham crackers and some 100 calorie pack cookies (compromising for my husband.) I put everything in this cute giant Mickey tote that my mother-in-law brought back from her Disney trip.
(Sorry for the sideways picture, I don't know what is wrong!)
The greatest Disney tip I have ever heard is to buy toys and prizes for your kids at Walmart or the dollar store before the trip. Then, every day you can give your kids a gift without breaking the bank. When I have kids and take them to Disneyland I am totally doing this!

I think this advice is also good for clothes. Every time I go to a Disney Park I want to buy a Disney shirt but just a Mickey t-shirt can run $30!

So instead I found this cute Mickey t-shirt at Walmart for only $3! I bought it before the trip and waited to wear it when I was there. I wore it the first and last days of the trip and feel like I got my money's worth!

My family has booked quite a few trips through You get a great deal and they always give each adult traveler a Disney pin. I really have a fetish for pins so I love it. (The kiddos get a different prize but I am not sure what it is.)

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  1. I totally agree with buying things ahead of time for prizes and gifts. You can get plenty of Disney themed items elsewhere for MUCH cheaper! Just pack it and take it along.

  2. I love vacation tips:) I also found the fruit crisps and cheese before we made for such a fun and healthy snack...and a ton cheaper! I also found a plush Cinderella doll for my daughter at a thrift store before we left...when we got the park they were selling the same one for $28!! I paid $1.50:)

  3. We borrowed one of those books about Disney before our trip years ago: the best tip was 'Go To The Left'. Meaning, when there are several line-ups go to the line-up on the left. It's usually shorter. It worked! Upon arrival, there were line-ups to buy admission tickets but no one in line at the booth at the far left - we thought at first it was for wheelchair access, but it wasn't - it was just an empty line! We got in super pronto. :)


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