Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not Just A Housewife

Hi! I am Stacy and I recently started a blog called

I am a stay at home mom to four little boys. Being a mom is the best and the hardest job in the world. It can be hard balancing being a caretaker and still trying to explore your own interests and talents. But you need to do it so you don't go insane :) I started this blog to share my ideas and to hopefully get some from you!

Here are examples of things you can find over at Not Just A Housewife

DIY projects and decorating ideas like how to build this shadowbox shelf.

or this CLOCK

Also check out how to make this TOPIARY.

I like to cook and bake. I am obsessed with the TV show Cupcake Wars so I have been making up recipes. You can get my recipes for these cupcakes (and some more are coming soon!) HERE.

I am always trying to come up with activities for my boys to keep them happy. I have posted some ideas and I have many more I will be posting soon. Come over and leave a comment telling me about the fun things you do at your house!

See the many things you can do with a jar of buttons

And see how we painted these giant cookies HERE.

I LOVE to garden. The miracle of a tiny seed becoming a plant that produces food will never get old to me.

Thank you for letting me share a little about Not Just A Housewife today! Go and check it out and share your ideas too.

For some cute children's birthday party ideas, visit my other site

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Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!