Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fun Links!

How do you like some of the fun ideas I found at the party today?
This mustache sipper is an awesome idea for a party or just a silly family dinner! My kids would freak out with excitement if I did this! See it at It's Toile Good!

Painting some trees on a wall can make a huge difference! Don't you love this wall at Girl In Air. This is going to be an awesome bedroom makeover when it is all finished!

Make conversation hearts into rings with While He Was Napping. What a great short-term jewelry accessory!

The thing I love about this shirt is that it is interchangeable. Make It Do or Do Without sewed on snaps so she can take off the holiday message and interchange it for a new holiday! Brilliant!!!

Check out more links from the party today!

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  1. AWWW!! Thanks! I love seeing my trees here:-)

  2. Hey there! Thank you for the kind shout out on the 'Stache Sipper! My son loves these and giggles every time one of us takes a sip! Glad you enjoyed them too!

  3. oooh, I just found the answer to my kids constant queries about what we're doing for April Fools Day... they want some HUGE celebration, but it's the day after a daughter's birthday and I'm not up for two cakes in two days!!!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!