Monday, March 28, 2011

2 Clock Tables

Making the top of a table to look like a clock is a rockstar idea! This one from All About Vignettes used roman numerals on hers! I'd love to eat lunch at this clock table any day!

A Vintage Vine made a different table into a clock top too. She used regular numerals! Another beauty!!!!


  1. I LOVE both of these! That first one looks like it "used" to be a plain ol patio table....gosh, what personality it has now!!!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring us both.....All about Vignettes table is classic! I need to go check her out!!!

  3. Thanks so my for stopping by my blog and for featuring my clock table on yours.


  4. Thanks so much for featuring these incredible tables! It inspired me to create my own version:
    Keep on highlighting these wonderful projects!!

  5. xcellent post.
    some families have done with antique Clock Tables
    and I’m impressed! Very helpful information

  6. What a great design, I also really appreciate that you decided to do it your way.
    Clock Table & Glass Memo Board


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