Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cash For Maternity and $50 Target Certificate Giveaway!!!

The giveaway this week is sponsored by

Cash For Maternity!
What can you win!?!?
A $50.00 Target Gift Card! BOO YEAH!!!

I wish Cash For Maternity would have contacted me about 8 or 9 months ago because I only have three months left in my pregnancy! I would have LOVED to get paid to deliver this baby!!!
I have had a few former co-workers who swear by programs like this. They made money on having their babies!!!! If I would have been smart, I would be collecting a couple THOUSAND DOLLARS in a few months.
Be smarter than me and check this out!


Cash For Maternity has helped over 6,000 clients all over the United States get EXTRA cash for their hospitalizations due to delivery of a baby. These plans have nothing to do with your health insurance, they are just supplemental plans (ie: Aflac and other companies like it) that pay a set amount of $ based on how many nights you stay in the hospital to deliver the baby.

5 easy steps:
1. Visit the
CashForMaternity website and leave your info
2. They call you and tell you which plans are available in your area and then email you ALL the info
3. Sign up
4. Start trying
5. Have a baby and collect your $$$ in the mail from each company you signed up with.

Their slogan is- no one ever wants to be hospitalized, but there are a few times in life where you are actually HOPING to be hospitalized in the next 12 mos- when you are planning to try to have a baby! Call Cash For Maternity before you get pregnant, and cash in on maternity coverage!

Here's how you enter to win the

$50.00 Target gift card:

1. Visit CashForMaternity and watch the 1:41 second video about the company (And checkout the payout prices at the bottom).

2. Blog about this giveaway.

3. Tell a friend/person who you know may want to become pregnant soon about CashForMaternity.


dollar daisies
The winner to the Dollar Daisies giveaway is:
#44 - Cara!

Please contact me to claim your prize.



  1. I went over and watched the video. I'll have to remember it next time...


  2. Watched the video. Good info; had never heard about this before!


  3. I wish I would have known about this 7 months ago! I watched their video and checked out their prices for next time.

  4. Watched the video - Sounds like an interesting plan.

  5. I watched the video - a good use of time. Thanks.

  6. Telling my niece about this - she is trying for her 2nd child. Thanks.

  7. What a great site - I watched the video. Thanks.

  8. Passing this info onto my my neighbor - she just found out she is expecting. Thanks.

  9. Such a cool program! Good to know for the next time around!

  10. watche the video! cool program!


  11. passing the news onto my sister!


  12. I watched the video, but like so many others, I'm already pregnant! Also, did you happen to learn if they'd do the same for a birthing center where I prefer to work with a midwife rather than a doctor and a hospital? Hmm.... nat.lee.olsen@gmail.com

  13. I told my sister about it! She's going to look into it!

  14. Watched the video and sent the link to my husband - we are actually trying to get pregnant with our next child (and this would be WONDERFUL)! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I forwarded your blog link to a girl I know that is trying and she said she sent it out to all of her friends. Also forwarded to a co-worker to send to her daughter.

  16. I wish I would've known about this before too! I only have 3 more months to go :)

    I watched the video :)

  17. I watched the video very interesting!


  18. watched the video! A few months too late for me too! Next time ;)

  19. Very interesting video, and concept.

  20. I watched the video and am interested. I'll have to do a little more research!

  21. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [23 Mar 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  22. Wow! What a great program! I watched the video and I am keeping that in mind for my next baby!

  23. Watched the video...great program! Great giveaway!!

  24. Watched the Video--we'll be trying soon so this is great!

  25. Wish I had watched the video before I had my youngest! Sounds like an interesting program!

  26. I watched the video, sounds interesting. Too bad I had a tubal with my last one, ;)

  27. Watched the video. Interesting information. I'll have to look into it next time.


  28. Telling my friend, she and her husband are trying for number 3. This just might interest her, as they just paid off number 2 about six months ago!

  29. I watched the video! I will definitely keep that in mind! emily_g_33@hotmail.com

  30. Watched the video. Good info. I'll have to check it out more before next time we try for a kiddo.

  31. Watched the video. Too bad I'm already pregnant. I assume you can't sign up if you are already pregnant.

    CarolinaKate02 at hotmail dot com


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