Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dresser to Desk Transformation AND Ballard Mirrors Knock-off

Thrifty and Chic has to be one of the most under-rated blogs! Everything she comes up with is AMAZING!!!! I could feature every post! (If you're not following her blog, you are missing out big time.)

This desk is one of her lastest most fabulous ideas. She turning a boring dresser into an fantastic, beautiful, functional desk. I want one like it!!!

Another recent project Thrifty and Chic completed was knock-off some Ballard Design mirrors! This idea is another ridiculously cool idea that is completely doable for anyone!!! What would have cost $600 at Ballard only cost $15 and a couple hours to make. I would love to complete this project!

See the Ballard Design knock-off mirrors.

(See! I told you Thrifty and Chic was amazing. Go on over and follow her so you see ALL her inspiring ideas.)


  1. She's amazing isn't she? Love her "Army" eggs she transformed as well:
    Very talented gal! Deb

  2. Michelle, you are the sweetest thing on earth! Thank you so much ~ this means the world to me :)

  3. This is amazing! I can't wait to check this out.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!