Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crafting For A Cause - The Linus Project

  There is nothing more comforting than a warm blanket.  For our next Crafting for a Cause project, we are teaming up with Kara of  Petals to Picots, and doing a cyber Blanket drive in conjunction with Project Linus.  You can link up your donated blanket to a combined link up party we are having April 15-30th, for some fun prizes.  Additionally Kara of Petals and Picots has a Blanket Drive album on Facebook where you can comment and add pictures for additional prizes!

Crafting for a Cause

Project Linus is an amazing organization that collects handmade blankets and distributes them to children who are  ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Inspired by Charles Schulz’s PEANUTS® character, Linus, Project Linus's mission is to provide comfort to these children with the help of a security blanket. Volunteers, or "blanketeers" as they are lovingly referred to, from all over the country create, collect, and distribute these handmade blankets.
Since Project Linus began in 1995, there have been over 4 million blankets delivered to children in need, and there are now close to 400 chapters nationwide. Project Linus receives thousands of letters and thank you notes every year from children and their families who are touched that a stranger would take the time to make something for them. You can read some of their stories at Blanket Buzz.
Project Linus accepts all styles of new handmade blankets including quilts, tied comforters, fleece blankets, crocheted or knitted afghans, and receiving blankets. If you need help getting started, the Project Linus website offers many patterns to help plan your project. Blankets should be washable and made in child-friendly colors. Many sizes are accepted depending on the specific needs of each chapter. Contact your local chapter for more information and for the current needs in your area.
Local chapters also look for volunteers who can offer their time to collect and distribute blankets and also to organize and participate in blanket-making events throughout the year. Contact your local chapter to find out about current volunteer opportunities.

How we can All get involved.
Let's have a cyber blanket drive for Linus!!
The goal of our project is to donate 50 blankets to donate.  Kara of Petals to Picots is having a blanket drive on her facebook page.  She also has some great
The drive will be held on the honor system. Just add your commitment to the comments  on my Blanket Drive album on Facebook. When you have completed your blankets, contact your local chapter for drop off/pick up information. Let's shoot for a completion date of April 30, 2012.

We would also love to see your pics along the way!!
We can do this!!

Help us spread the word by adding a button to your blog!

Crafting for a cause

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1 comment:

  1. I am not much of a blanket maker, but I will be sharing with people that are! Such a great idea!!!


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