Friday, May 25, 2012

Father's Day Linky

Welcome to the

Categorically Crafting Show

where you can show off all of your fun projects featuring


Please join your crafty post if, and only if, it corresponds with the category and theme of FATHER'S DAY (If it doesn't fit in this category, please link it up to Whatever Goes Wednesday. ) Link up crafts, decor, sewing projects, food, tips, etc, that has to do with FATHERS'S DAY. If you have joined a FATHER'S DAY project to a party on my blog before, feel free to add it to this show too! If you have a lot of Mother's Day projects, please choose your favorites. (Please no more than 4 posts per blog). Link to the specific posts, not to your main blog page.

Let's see what you have created (either recently or in the past)!

This linky will be open until FATHER'S DAY so keep checking back!

You can paste the "Categorically Crafting" button onto your blog post. I would love to see these floating around so more people can post their themed projects. I will leave this linky post open until next CC Show. Keep checking back for more ideas!!!

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