Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Comic Book Superhero Pillow

A super awesome Comic Book Superhero Pillow Tutorial via cherishedbliss.com
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I'm trying to decide how to decorate my son's room right now and one of the themes I'm considering is superheroes. My boy would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pillow from Cherished Bliss!! She even shows you how to lay it out to get this great comic book look!
Find out how to recreate this Comic Book Superhero Pillow.


  1. this is AWESOME and totally boy

  2. Thanks so much for sharing with your readers! : )

  3. I am starting to think about my son's room too. This is new territory for me since he is my first boy! Thanks for the good idea!

    1. Boy stuff is new territory for me too! I grew up with 2 sisters and after my parents divorced, there wasn't anything boyish in our house!


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