Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Twig Wreath

Twig Wreath #twigwreath
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There are so many random twigs and branches in our yard. I could probably go out and gather enough for 2 or 3 wreaths like this one from The First Year Blog! I love the simple paper flowers she used to embellish it!
Check out this Twig Wreath.


  1. Okay, you are adorable! I come over to your blog looking for the link up... and what greets me? My wreath! Thank you so much for sharing it with your readers!!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

    1. You're welcome! I tried to leave a comment on your blog to let you know we were featuring it but I couldn't get it to submit. I think my internet was being weird and I just eventually gave up. Anyway, thanks for coming to visit and link up! Hope you enjoy the party!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!