Friday, June 21, 2013

Warfare by Duct Tape Helmets

Earlier this week, I posted about the Warfare by Duct Tape and Jewels by Julia review (and giveaway). I made the super cool sword and battle axe. Today, I'm back with another Warfare by Duct Tape project for you. I created both the Greek Helmet and Barbarian Helmet.

My little guy loves them! So does his friend! Yesterday as they were playing outside, they came inside and grabbed them to take back outside. Then they proceeded to go about "chopping" the trees and fighting the monsters and dragons outside. They had so much fun using their imaginations!


These were really simple to make! I did both of them in about 3 or 4 hours. It could have been less but I was visiting with my neighbor and we were interrupted by kids a few times too. But still, 2 projects completed within 3 hours? That's my kind of project!
I finished the first helmet and was making sure it fit Andrew. He let his friend try it on and they both thought it was totally awesome. After a few minutes of playing with it, his friend came and asked me if I could make one for him too. How sweet is that? I was already planning on making both helmets so they could play together, so he was happy that he would get to wear one too. They're definitely a hit with these 4- and 5-year olds!!
Here's what I used - just some cardboard, the pattern pieces (included in the e-books), duct tape, and scissors.

I don't want to give away their patterns and instructions, so I won't go into exact details about how I made them, but here are a few shots of them in action.

I did have to make them just a big smaller than the pattern called for, but not by much because my little guy's head is pretty big. I also opted to leave off the spike and the crest on the top of the helmets. Andrew said he didn't want them, and I figured they might be easier to play in with the extra things on top. But that's the great thing about these e-books and patterns - outside of the basic pattern, you can customize it any way you want!

Andrew LOVES wearing them!

You've still got time to enter the giveaway to win your very own copy of one of the e-books from Warfare by Duct Tape or Jewels by Julia. The giveaway is open through June 26th, 2013.
You can also take advantage of the discount they're offering. Just use code "someday20" to get 20% off at checkout. The code will be good through July 10th, 2013 and is good for both the Warfare by Duct Tape and Jewels by Julia shops.

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