Friday, October 4, 2013

Printable Halloween Lunch Box Jokes

halloween jokes lunch box notes
Even though these are meant for the lunchboxes of children, I might just use these for my hubby's lunch. He loves these fun jokes like these (and the Laffy Taffy jokes). What a fun idea from Making Memories With Your Kids.


  1. Thanks Miranda! So glad you liked our lunch box jokes! And a huge thanks for featuring us!!!

  2. I can't get the page to load. Says there is a problem. Any chance you can relink?

    1. Hi Denise! Thanks for taking the time to visit Someday Crafts :) I'm not having any problems getting the page to load from the links on this page. There might have been a temporary problem with her site, so maybe just keep trying? You could also just try going through the home page ( and searching for it. Right now it's actually one of the featured posts that is cycling through at the top of the home page. Hope that helps and that you're able to get to it!


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