Sunday, March 7, 2010

About Me and A Call For Assistance

If you don't want to read about me, please scroll down and read under the second picture.
I have received a few awards from fellow bloggers and I have to say "Thank You" to everyone who reads this blog. Thanks to all of you who comment, who pass on awards, who submit ideas, who join my parties, who include me in their blogroll, who cheer me on...... the list could go on and on! I am honored to have the following I do! I apologize that I can not keep up with every blog, and every person I have "met" through blogging. Somedays, when I feel like quitting, I remember all you amazing people and your kind comments and decide to give it another month or two.

With many of these awards, I'm supposed to write something about myself (not my kids.) I don't write about myself much for many reasons, but for today I will!!! I will list 10 things that will help you understand more who I am and what is important to me!

1. Growing up, I came from a sports family. All five of us kids played basketball. I played soccer, and ran track and cross country too. We NEVER did anything crafty, we played sports, worked outside and served others. (that's partly why I am not creative.) As the youngest of the five, I attended A LOT of basketball games!!!

2. Growing up, I never wanted to get married or have kids. I was too afraid of it (and I was always "just one of the guys.") My dad died of cancer my last year in college. It broke my heart seeing my mom alone. I started to soften my stance towards men. Now, I am married to a very patient, inspiring man!

2. I have two kids - ages 3 1/2 and 19 months - that keep me very busy and are the loves of my life!!!! They are my world. I'm so thankful to be a mother!!! Gratefully, I overcame my fear!

3. I do daycare in my home for a few other kids, 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. Our house is the house where all the kids on our street congregate. We have 2 bikes, 4 big wheels, 1 scooter and a few other toys on our front porch that get used very often by the neighbors. It's nice that kids feel comfortable coming to play!

4. I'm a nerd (thought most people would never know it because I act too crazy). In college, I graduated with a degree in Special Education (emphasis on Severe) and Elementary Education. I earned a Master's in Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling. These degrees were from Utah State University. I earned scholarships all five years of my undergrad and received many awards for my nerdiness and involvement in school. I served in student govt. three of my five years! Education and service are paramount to me.

5. I work 3 hours a day in a SPED classroom. I LOVE people with disabilities!!!

6. I have run two marathons (both under 4 hours). That is a big accomplishment to me! After taking a long break from running (6 years), I have just recently decided to start running again. My plan is to run either a half marathon or marathon this summer.

7. When I got married, we bought an old fixer-upper house. It is a bigger project with more problems than we knew about when we bought it! My sanity is going quickly!

8. We are landlords. You can find us cleaning up and fixing things for our renters much too often:( I have to keep the long-term perspective of what being a landlord means (being able to retire someday) or else I would sell our other properties tomorrow. Some days, it is not worth the headache or stress!

9. As a family, we feel it important to reach out to others and show our support and love. We have families and individuals over for dinner usually at least once a week and have large parties five or six times a year. People are the most important "things" to us.

10. I am a church go-er and work with the little kiddos in the nursery at church. I love it! I love kids! I believe in a loving Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ and I respect people of all beliefs systems. Humanity is important to me!

Ok. I think that is 10 things about me that might help you understand me more. Whoops! I just realized that I wrote #2 twice. I hope you don't feel that I was bragging. I wrote the following so you could know my core and as an intro to the following paragraphs.
As you might be able to tell, I am busy. I feel like I am stretched too thin some days. There are days when I think about quitting this blog. I actually love blogging and love highlighting other people. I get great satisfaction in seeing other people have days with high stats or gaining new followers because my blog spotlighted their creativity. I like helping people feel important, needed and included. I care about your success.
There are A LOT of ideas I have for this blog, but I can't do them because I don't have the technical knowledge to do it. (I am NOT a computer nerd.) I don't want to quit, but my priorities seem to be a little out of alignment right now. As I have thought about my predicament, I thought of several options. I am going to open one up right now and see if anyone is interested!
I am looking for someone who would be interested in helping me run this blog. This person would need to know the technical side of blogging. That is my biggest requirement for a partner. I need someone who can change the layout, create a button, create link bars, change codes, etc. The perfect assistant would also be someone with creative ideas for growing this blog and maybe even someone who knows about making money through blogging. You also must have an eye for what is "hot, hip and cool" in craft blogland. Are you interested in assisting me? If you are, please shoot me an email at
If I don't get anybody who is interested and who fits what I need in a partnet, I will keep blogging and try out the other options I have. I'm not quitting yet! Don't panic.

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  1. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and was glad to learn more about the woman behind the blog. :) As the Mom of a child with special needs (cerebral palsy and autistic tendencies) child, I want to say thanks for having a big heart towards the special needs community. We need more people like you in this world. :)

  2. I'm so glad we all had the chance to get to know you a little more. I admire all of your hard work! Don't you wish there could be about 10 more of you? I know I do! Good luck in all you do. Thanks again for having such an awesome blog!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  3. Thanks for stopping over and for your sweet comments...

    It's really nice to get to know you better! I'm the assistant coach of my daughter's middle school b-ball team. I've never played b-ball before. I was the softball player. I didn't do to bad (you have to love the internet). We came in 2nd place during the tournament. At least the head coach knew what he was doing...LOL I also work full time, so I somewhat understand where you are coming from. I hope you get someone that will help you out. Please don't quit...

    Take Care,

  4. It was fun to learn more about you! Thanks for sharing! I hope you find somebody to help you! I don't know how you do all you do to keep this blog going! You are super busy, but you're doing a great job at it!

  5. Thank you for sharing about yourself! And your children are absolutely beautiful!

  6. Love learning about you! If you can't find anyone else to help run your blog, I'd be interested - I'll e-mail you.

  7. You are totally awesome! I loved reading more about you. I am excited that you are running again. :)

  8. I loved getting to know you! You have such a cute family. I'm not blog technical at all but if I can think of anyone crafty that can help I'll send them your way.

  9. What a great bio on you! And so girls are 3 1/2 and 19 months too! Seriously! Your family is so beautiful and this was such a sweet post. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  10. How neat to learn more about the person who writes my favorite blog! I hope someone steps up to help- if I were able I would! You are amazing!

  11. Hey Michelle,
    That was so fun reading more about you!! Yay for a fellow runner, although you'd kick my butt any day! I want to run a half marathon soon. I trained for it this fall, but never did it. argh. Anyways, good luck finding a partner! these blogs take SO much time. I know I've been completely swamped with emails, requests, and questions. It's great, but all the behind the scenes stuff takes way too much time.
    take care!

  12. Its great to learn more about you! You sound like a very busy person. Your kiddos are so cute!!

  13. I LOVE #4!!!My daughter wears her nerd badge with pride. When she is called a nerd in school
    she ALWAYS tells them.."Thank You Very Much".
    There is NOTHING wrong with having a passion for learning. So hold your head high and wear your nerd badge with pride.

  14. I just wanted to make sure that you got my email. The email listed above didn't work for me. I added an "s" to crafts. I wanted to make sure it went through.

    If you didn't get it, email me at ahamblin(at)kc(dot)rr(dot)com.

  15. Yipes! You ARE one busy woman!! I hope things settle down for you a bit, or that you can find some help with your fabulous bloggyblog...

    Best of luck! Don't go nuts! :o)

  16. Hey Michelle. I hope you have found help,you have an awesome things going over here.



Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!