Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Own Personal Greenhouse!!!

I've always wanted a greenhouse and now we finally have one!!! We are getting a jump start on our garden. Usually, we buy starter tomato, peppers plants, etc. from a locally owned seed and garden store. They come in packs of 4-6 and are a couple inches tall. The starter plants usually cost us around $30. We decided this year to attempt to grow our own "starters" from seeds for tomatoes, peppers and a few other types of plants. This will be a fun spring activity for our kids, will save us some money and will hopefully make it able for us to eat veggies before August!

We bought a "Jump Start Vented Green House" from Andersen Feed and Seed. (My husband threw away the label before I could get a picture of it.) It cost us about $13 and will probably be good for a couple of years. It comes with these little round fertilized potting soil discs(?). I'm not sure what to call them. My husband bought seeds of the plants we want to grow. The kids laid the discs in the bottom of the greenhouse in the forms.
Then we pour a little bit of water on the discs to start the expanding and loosening of the soil process.
The kids carefully put the seeds in the middle of the disc where the pre-formed hole existed.
After that, we carefully covered the seed with the loose soil.
And we put it in the window so the sunlight can perform it's magic!!! (Yeah, it is night time!)
I'll let you know how this green house works as the time goes on! See the moisture! It is already working!!!

Anyone else got a headstart on their gardens? What do you do?


  1. How cool, I love how your kids are concentrating so much. They're so cute :)

  2. I love the great family activity. Everyone is totally into it!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad I read this. I have some heirloom tomato seeds and just bought the little disks that you add water to. This little greenhouse thing is great for getting a head start. I'm planting my seeds tomorrow. I think I'm going to put them in a sunny window. I look forward to seeing your garden progress....

  4. Good luck! We started seeds indoors last year and it was fun for the kids to watch them grow. They take lots of water, so remember to mist/water them once or twice daily. The first year we used a mini-greenhouse my pots were too dry and they didn't grow. I can't wait for fresh tomatos!

  5. I love those indoor greenhouses! I use one every year and love the little bit of spring they bring before all the snow melts. One thing I've learned is that the seedlings can mold if the cover is left on to long so make sure you watch it! Happy Gardening!


  6. Your kids are adorable! And what an exciting thing for kids to do! LOve this idea, will look for this at lowes!

  7. Maximum concentration, haha. Your kids are adorable :o)
    Hugs, Erika

  8. I was going to try starting some in half a egg shell and put them back in the egg carton, I planted two rows of daisies for my mom a year ago and none came up think I will try this and keep closer watch on them.

  9. I believe those discs are peat pellets.

  10. That is great! I really need to start planning my garden this year, thanks for the reminder :)

  11. Phew! I was worried I was starting my plants too late! I am a first time seeder too I usually also buy everything already grown then sow into the garden. I need to start my greenhouse tonight!

  12. That looks neat!

    And I must say, I just want to squeeze your little guys cheeks! What a cutie!

  13. Great idea to do with kids! Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules


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