Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Alphabet Art

I love these alphabet art photos. They would be great gifts for anyone! Read this post at Reinvented by Little Lizard King. She shares how to make these photo words by yourself (with the help of the internet.) See the fun idea HERE.

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  1. those are so cute...and I already have a frame just like that...just sitting here waiting to be used!

  2. Those are really terrific pieces of wall art! So very interesting ;)

  3. I did this 2 years ago- WOOT for someone posting about them!! (I keep personal info under wraps, and it's art of our last name, so I won't share the project.) I framed each letter individually in a 4x6 print and staggered the frames randomly on my wall. (My last name is LOOOOONG, so it was MUCH easier to do each frame separately...advice to others who didn't marry into a family with a craft-lover's dream of a name.)


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