Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Turquoise Spring!!!

Cinnaberry Suite spent $5 at the dollar store and came up with this beautiful turquoise spring display. It makes me want to run out and buy some turquoise spray paint and paint everything in my house this happy color. My husband would be little surprised/mad if I did. See how this was made HERE.

Don't forget the Whatever Goes Wednesday party tomorrow!!!

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  1. Those are so pretty. Love the turquoise with the black.

  2. I love that! I saw another post today about turquoise. Makes me want to go paint all of my Spring things too!


  3. That is one of the best spring decorations I've seen yet!

    I just did a turquoise end table. It's Ocean Breeze Blue spray paint. You MUST try it. Addicting color. Link to table is here;


  4. So cute! What great dollar store finds!

    Tomorrow I'm featuring a tutorial on toilet paper roll napkin rings. I'd love it if you stopped by!

  5. I see turquoise in my future. I just saw another post on turquoise with lots of eye candy.

  6. WOW! Thanks for featuring my "little" project. I feel honored that you even noticed! Thank you for always inspiring me. Happy spring!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite


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