Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Evolution of Plastic Pop Bottles (updated)

There is an evolution of plastic pop bottles going on. See what I see coming!!!

First, I saw that Craft-Werk has two different plastic pop bottles over her mantle! They look pretty just painted. Can you spot them? Check them out HERE.
Next, Anthropology is using plastic pop bottles in their window display. Quite impressive! See these pictures at Grace Violet. Go HERE.
Tatertots and Jello created this whimsical spring wreath with plastic pop bottles. How cute is that? Go HERE to see more.
The Feminist Housewife made this cool chandelier with pop bottles. Isn't this funky and cool? Check it out HERE.

What can you do with plastic pop bottles? If you have a project, leave a comment.

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  1. Hey Michelle, thanks for the feature :-)... And as regards photography: A camera is only as good as the person that uses it. I bet you could beautiful pics - all it takes is a quiet evening with a glass of wine and the manual ;-)

  2. Hi Michelle!

    Thanks for featuring my wreath - you are so sweet!


  3. I saw the Anthro’s display today and freaked over it. I made my fiancĂ©e pull over so I could get a closer look. It was stunning! I immediately started thinking about Jen’s wreath and figured that must be where she got her inspiration. I just love her wreath.

    Kendra “Domestic Princess in Training”

  4. Thanks for the tip - great projects! I'll be posting a link at Dollar Store Crafts soon.

  5. Thanks for the little round-up list - I love all these! So inspiring.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!