Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How do I Decide?

So I haven't even seen half of the links at the party yet (I had to work), but I am loving all that I see. How do I decide what to feature? I don't know. They are ALL so good!!! It looks like I will be featuring quite a few of these from the party over the next few days! The links are still up, please keep partying while I highlight a few.

I love food and especially ice cream. I am totally making this CAKE BATTER ICE CREAM! If I gain 20 lbs in the next month, I'll be thanking (or cursing) Something Wonderful. Go HERE to gain weight! You've got to check out this Ballard Design knock-off bird from All Thingz Related. Gorgeous! To see how it was created, go HERE.

If you like crayon rolls, you will love this crayon purse. Perfect for the Little Miss Princess in your life. Go HERE to My Craft Discovery.

There's something endearing about this mobile of circles! Love it! See it HERE at Organize and Decorate Everything.

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  1. They are all so cute! I have to admit though I saw the photo of ice cream in my google reader and that is what led me to this post :)

  2. love the mobile; embroidery hoops?

  3. Thanks a bunch for featuring me! I appreciate it a bunch. Now I have to keep making stuff! :)

  4. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for featuring me! And I hope you love the ice cream!

  5. I am just loving all of the inspiration on your blog! :)

  6. Hi Michelle,
    Thanks so much for featuring my mobile. This one went a lot faster than the first. I must be getting better at it.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!