Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whatever Goes Wednesday #3

Some days, weeks, months, life goes by way too quickly! This last week was one of them. Computer down! Out of town! Weather is warmer so I'm outside with my kids! I didn't get everything done that I was going to do: including getting the code for the button!

However, Whatever Goes Wednesday (WGW) will continue whether there is a button or code, or not! It's not about that, it's about seeing all the great crafty and yummy things going on at your house! I am making two dinners this week from WGW links!

You know the rules (there really aren't any!) Link up a specific post address, type in what your project, idea, recipe or tip (and the name of your blog if you want.) If you want to copy and paste the button, be my guest.

Visit at least 5-10 other links, leave some comment love and enjoy the crafty craziness! You can link to the party on Wednesday and Thursday. I will probably make a post about some of the awesome projects I have seen on Wednesday evening, but please continue looking at the links as I will throughout Wed. and Thursday.

Remember about the Categorically Crafting Link-up on Friday. Go HERE to read about it! This weeks theme or category is St. Patrick's Day!

Let's see what y'all got!

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  1. Thanks for hosting again and your new button looks great.

  2. Loving all the great ideas!! Thanks for hosting! :)

  3. I know you have already seen my post but I wanted to link up anyway! :)


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!