Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Decorating With Rocks And Also PLEASE Help Me Decorate!!

Hello everyone!!  Today I want to show off a few more awesome ideas from last week's parties!  You MUST go over to Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures.  She has the most beautiful ideas, I wish I had an ounce of her ability!!  Last week on our Wedensday Party she posted THIS!  I absolutely love these rocks in a shadow box.  What a clever idea and how simple to make!!  So go on out to your yard grab some rocks and get a shadow box and get creative! 

And now on to my request!  A couple of weeks ago, I went to the local thrift store and found this PERFECT  Swoon Worthy shelf for $5. 
How awesome is that!!  I have been wanting some great shelves to decorate with.  I now need to figure out something to do with it.  If you have any ideas...no matter how small please email me at brandywbailey@gmail.com and let me have it!!  Here is another picture with somethings I have tried on it, nothing seems to work! 
The shelf is about 3 feet by 6 inches.
Thank you for your help!!  Have a great Tuesday!!
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  1. Will any candle holders fit on the shelf? Twine balls? A little basket? I guess it all depends on the width of the shelf?


  2. How big is your shelf? And is it going in your Family Room?

    For starters you need something with hieghth. The Family would work up there, but you need something taller on the other end. Maybe a couple candlesticks. Also a big framed print would look great. Also if you keep the family, I would change the color of the shelf OR the Family, so there is some variety. Good luck, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. i agree about height. maybe a candle stick. or a tall skinny funky bottle.

  4. Forgot to say the how big it is! Sorry!! It is about 3 feet long and 6 inches wide. Thanks for the suggestions so far...loving it all!!

  5. I think maybe it needs alittle help with substance. Maybe a picture, tray or set of plates hung behind it then might be the trick to pull all elements needed-

    bee blessed


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