Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sock Monkey Attire!

If you are in love with sock monkeys, you will flip over this sock monkey applique at Dilly Dally and Flitter. There isn't a pattern, but you can see how she did it HERE.
If you like to crochet, you will definitely be interested in this sock monkey hat from Do Ah Diddy. See the pattern for an adult HERE, a child pattern HERE and a baby pattern HERE.

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  1. This is so fun!!! I would loved something like this in high school, I love monkeys!

  2. Hey Michelle! Thanks for the highlight! I grabbed the button and put it front and center on the blog!

  3. I love sock monkeys! These are so cool! I have a blog about one I made and his adventures! sockstories.blogspot.com


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