Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I {heart} Parties!!!

Hello!!  I have been busy for the last little while drooling over the wonderful link ups we have had today!!!
  I really love old doors and windows, but then I don't know what to do with them???  Over at Aja Lee's Sweet Life, she used a door to hang cute pictures on!  Make sure you check it out HERE!!!
I think these cute little books would be so adorable in a little girls room or on a bookshelf, or just like Creating By Cami did it.  She uses these as idea books for her crafts!!  How clever is that!!  Please check her out and see this cute craft HERE!!!

I have a mirror that is just like this!  I have been wanting to do something with it, now i know what to do!!  I love the French theme!!  Make sure you go to Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss.  Make sure you check out this cook framed picture by going HERE!!
Make sure you check out the rest of the day's great posts and leave lots of sweet LOVE for our posters!!!  Don't forget the link is still open so link away!!!
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  1. Love that door!! And I missed it -- so thanks!!

  2. Thank you this is very sweet! I am so very excited to share this little project of mine :)

  3. Thanks for featuring my humble french art :)!

  4. Shut up.

    Okay, don't-- But, that door looks so cute. Love it. I need an old door, STAT! :)


  5. Great picks! The door, The book, The pictures!! Fantastic.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!