Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh My Heavens! Love These Links!

If you see an old dictionary while thrift shopping, buy it and go HERE to see at least 6 amazing projects to make with it! This could probably work for a regular book too. See these at Monkey See - Monkey Do.

I'm one who loves a good, fun party! And this party is one I want to have!!! I guess I will have to have another baby so I can! Check out this Gender Reveal Party after an ultrasound. SO cool! Go HERE to The Busy Budgeting Mama!
Don't you love miniature things? I do, especially when it is miniature chocolate bundt cakes with peanut butter frosting. So dainty and cute!!! I want Santa's Gift Shoppe to be my neighbor. May I please have 6 dozens of these? GO HERE to learn how to make them.

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