Monday, August 30, 2010

Back of Seat Organizer

I thought about making one of these back of the seat organizers for our car a while ago...and never got around to doing it! Jellybean Junkyard created one to keep things in order in the car. Her's is marvelous! Not only does it organize, but it keeps the kids from wiping their dirty feet all over the seats!!!! I love how the books, toys and drink are all within the reach of the child!


  1. Oh my goodness! I was just talking about having one of these when I was younger with my husband! My grandma made them for me and my sister's. I said I wish she was still here to help me make them for my kids... :( But, to see it here!!! Im def gonna try to make these!!! Thanks!

  2. THANK YOU for the feature!!! I am sooooo excited!

  3. This would be great on the back of the seat even if you don't have little ones. I am always reaching for stuff that went flying off the seat. Great idea.


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