Monday, August 30, 2010

Chalkboard Map and Door

What a fun idea for a teen's room (especially a history/geography buff)! Less Than Perfect Life Of Bliss made a PB knock-off chalkboard for her son's bedroom.

And if you are thinking of painting something in "chalkboard," think about painting a door! Black doors rock and chalkboard doors are so cool. Leave messages, draw pictures or leave it plain. Lamb Around painted a door in chalkboard. I think I would rather have a chalkboard door than wall!

See the chalkboard door!

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  1. These are great! I just bought my first can of chalkboard paint a week ago and I'm trying to find other things to do with ti!!!

  2. This is so cool. I love the map - and the door idea. I made my first chalkboard last week...I love it!!!!

  3. OMG, I'm goin' nuts for that map chalkboard! I always get the best ideas and inspirations from your to figure out a way to balance my life so I can get over here more often! Best, Jenn


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