Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The FIRST Whatever Goes Wednesday

Wahoo! After THREE long months of waiting for a button,
Whatever Goes Wednesday is finally here!!!


Wow!!! When I pleaded for someone to make me button, I thought I would get maybe two or three submissions - NOT 19!!! Holy cow, ladies! I'm blown away. Not by just how many I received, but by the quality too! Every single button used the colors from my blog and they were amazing! How funny!!! If you amatuer bloggers can make awesome buttons in an hour or two, why couldn't the first person I asked (who was going to get paid) make me one in 3 months? Frustration!!!

Anyway, I couldn't decide which one I liked the best so I am letting you decide! I am a people pleaser, so it was hard for me to choose which buttons work best for me. PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED IF THE BUTTON YOU CREATED IS NOT SHOWN BELOW. I sincerely appreciate your efforts. I am showing the 5 buttons that work best for my blog. (I have one other button in the works for something else and a few of the buttons not listed here are too similar to that one.) Please vote on my sidebar for the button that you thinks would be the best for my party! The one with the most votes will be the official party button starting next week.

#1 #2

#4 #5

Next order of business is the rules of Whatever Goes Wednesday!

Because I don't really like rules, there really aren't many!!!

Link up....whatever!

A tip, a tutorial, an idea, a project, a recipe.

(Please no businesses/ads/etsy shops.)
Show blogland what you have been upto and what is floating around in your brain and on your blog. Increase your traffic and others by visiting blogs and leaving some loving comments!

Link up a specific post - not to your general blog address.
Write what your idea is first in the title and your blog name next.

I'd love it if you would link back to my blog and let other bloggers know where the party is at!!!

Let's get this party started!!!!!!

post signature


  1. Cool - I am a party girl, so I am in. Have already voted for my favourite button. It was really hard to decide and in the end I opted for the one that really stands out because of its shape... Guess which one that is... I have also used my favourite as the picture to display in my post. Hope that is ok.
    Thanks for organising this!

  2. Thanks for the part-tay! I had a couple posts that I wasn't sure how to categorize them so your Whatever Goes is awesome.

    I voted for #2 because it is my favourite to look at but I like #5 too and it has your blog name a little bit bigger.

  3. I voted and you have such a lovely array. I need a button too so maybe I will put it out there. I have loads of hits but few followers. Any ideas for that? Giveaway? I will be a regular er. Thanks so much. I will add a buton as soon as it is voted.

  4. Humm....I like the brown circle. Thanks for hosting the party!

  5. I like them all! They look great. I think #2 is my favorite though.

    Thanks for the party!


  6. I think #2 is ra-ha-had. They're all great but 2 stands out.

  7. I like the circle one. It looks classy ;)

  8. They are all pretty, but I also like the round one the best.

  9. Looks like alot of us like the round one! Thanks for hosting today!

  10. I almost fell off my chair when I saw that my design was one of the 5 featured here! Thank you so much! :D

  11. okay... you have to share... who did #2? I want to hire her!

  12. I love #5, its easy to read (important at my age) and it makes everything clear (again at my age).

  13. I love the round one but I can't read the website. So, I would say the last one.

  14. I like #3 best, too. It's the tiny url on each side that clinches it for me.

    #2 is my next favorite.

  15. They are all SO cute, but I love #2. And if that person has some extra time on his/her hands and would like to make a button for ME, I would happily accept it and give a BIG shout out on my blog. {seriously, whoever did #2-- contact me if you want a little extra work! I'll pay!}

  16. I love #2 It is super duper cute.

  17. Wow Michelle! Your party is outta control...and it's your first one!!! So cool! This will be such a big hit, I can't wait to see all the goods every Wednesday!!

  18. Aw! I'm so happy to see my button made it in top 5 :) I'm so delayed in posting to your party because I'm out of town right now--but better late than never! What a great response you got!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!