Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Party Ideas I'm Loving So Far

Make an army bunker out of the kitchen table. What kid wouldn't love this? Obsessively Stitching has the tutorial HERE.

Use bleach to make personalized t-shirt. This is easier than an applique! I love the ideas of writing names or a number for a birthday party! (Or big brother/big sister when a new baby comes.) Learn this technique at Homemaker. Go HERE.
Make a beautiful necklace with some chains and beads. Go HERE to Kosmic Chai Crafts to learn how.
I love this tip by Wacky Whimsy. She uses a paint shop program to see what rooms would look like painted and how different artwork would look and furniture placement. See her ideas HERE.

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  1. Michelle,
    Great party ideas...I adore the bleach shirts and the paint shop program as well..Never thought of these earlier! And I'm so glad you liked my chain and bead necklace!

  2. I think the bleach stenciled T-shirts were my favorites - what a perfectly easy and effective idea!!! Thanks so much for showing my paintshop post, I appreciate it so much!

  3. What cute ideas!! I love your blog:)


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