Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lil Blue Boo Design Challenge Entries!!!

The day all Lil Blue Boo fans have been waiting for is here!!! The LLB and Dharma Trading Company Design Challenge entries have been posted. Talk about amazing designs. I'm in awe of the creativity and fun in each entry. Watch the slideshow at LLB when you click on the big collage and be inspired. Go HERE.
HERE is one of the entries of the challenge linked to yesterday's party. Love this dress!!! Visit Get Your Craft On to see more about it.

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  1. Thank you sooo much for the feature...this makes my day!!!! I sure will be excited if one of my dresses makes it into the top ten of the cool would that be!?

    Thanks again!!!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!