Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chalkboard Herb Planters

I love the idea of having a garden, but I don't enjoy the time and hard work that goes with it. That makes me sound totally lazy, but these planters from Just Drops in the Bucket are something I can totally get on board with.

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  1. I bought something like this years ago, but would love to make some of these one day. Fun post!

  2. I love this Michelle! Hope you don't mind if I copy this! :) So chic. I'm trying to be better about commenting - but wanted to let you know I'm a follower and visit daily! xoxo, Artie
    Stop by sometime!

  3. so cool... i would love to have fresh herbs to use everyday!

  4. ooooh, girl!!! thanks for showing off this awesome little project. I'm thinking of making more to give as gifts too. They're so quick and cute.

  5. I may just have to give this a go - it's be great on my back porch! the gift idea is cool too.


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