Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Robin's Egg Wreath

I'm back!  I apologize for not getting a few ideas up yesterday.   We (my mother and I) got a flat tire at 10pm in a far away city with a baby and a minivan packed FULL of pegboard and jewelry.  Every woman's dream!  So needless to say, we found the cheapest hotel and had to stay an extra night.  Luckily, the flat didn't happpen in the middle of no where!!!! 

One of the signs of spring I love is the egg - especially robin's eggs because of the beautiful blue color.   Uncommon made this gorgeous robin's egg wreath.  I'm in love!

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  1. What a great description of your adventure! I can totally picture it. That is definitely the kind of thing I dream about! :) I'm glad you made it back okay.

  2. lovely wreath and so sorry about the flat! my goodness that just sounds rough!

  3. How sweet!! Thank you so mucbh for the feature! You really made our day!! ;)


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