I never could highlight all the beautiful and tasty creations at every party! It's so hard! But here are a few that I love!!!!
Seven Thirty Threemade over her master bedroom and it is to die for!!! I'm loving the colors and design. But most of all, I love that beadboard wall headboard! It looks awesome!
Chameleon Girls made this outrageously cool book lamp! Such a great idea for one who loves books (and can part with a few!!!)
What do you do with all those plastic eggs left over from Easter? Especially the ones that have one side broken or lost? Well, you should make a few into these plastic egg tea cupslike The Moody Fashionista. Such a fun idea!!!
Thanks for featuring my beadboard headboard Michelle... I'm working on the full room reveal... just need to find a chair for my new desk the hubby built! :)
Thanks for featuring my beadboard headboard Michelle... I'm working on the full room reveal... just need to find a chair for my new desk the hubby built! :)