These amazing and fabulous printables are made available by Sprik Space. Perfect for a nursery, and preschool and kindergarten kids! Thanks for saving us time by making it for us!
Once upon a time (in April), I saw a very clever idea posted on Ohdeedoh, where someone had created a simple ABC poster using Microsoft Word & clipart for her child's room. A little light bulb went off above my head, and I thought, "Hey, I can do that!" So, I did.
Because the best thing about the internet, in my opinion, is what you can find for free, I decided I'd make the ABC Poster up, in a whole bunch of colors... and offer it on my blog as a FREE printable - posted here. Now, the ABC Poster is cute all on its own, but I always felt it needed a friend. Fast forward a couple of months, and I finally was able to work up its companion piece, the 123 Poster.
Pictured below are the colors and combinations I've worked up this simple little project in. If you would like your own 11x14" version of any of the images below, please visit this post at Sprik Space for download details. Once you've downloaded the images you want, simply send them off to your favorite online photo printer (Costco 11x14" prints are only $2.99), and you've just made some inexpensive art work for your child's wall!
Maybe these posters will grace the walls somewhere in your home? My ABC & 123 Posters will be hung, grouped together, in my son’s future playroom.
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Click on this photo to see the ABC poster all framed up, in my cute blog-friend, Hayley's adorable nursery! |
I LOVE this!!! Great feature. :)
ReplyDeleteThese prints are so cute, I definately want to get both printed out for my sons bedroom wall! thanks so much for the ideas!